Wikipedia is the world’s largest and most visited reference site, but the site’s editors often overlook business owners, artists and creatives who are women, people of color, and members of the LGBTQ+ community.
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At To the Point Collaborative, we’re working to make Wikipedia more inclusive. There are numerous individuals out there right now who qualify for a Wikipedia article, but haven’t yet been discovered.
Jessica Wade, Ph.D., an award-winning physicist from Imperial College London, learned several years ago that less than 18% of biographies on Wikipedia are about women.
The same holds true for minorities of any description: A built-in bias, due to the dominant white male demographic of Wikipedia volunteer editors, has led to a serious imbalance in Wikipedia’s content. So while Wikipedia’s editors work to achieve a better gender and color balance among its members, To the Point Collaborative is focused on articles about those who have been overlooked.
One such person who was eligible for a Wikipedia article but hadn’t yet been included on the site is best-selling author Julie Lythcott-Haims. Julie contacted To the Point Collaborative in 2021, asking if she was eligible for an article on Wikipedia.